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Senate Bill 258
Posted on: 01/10/23
This Story Expires on: 04/15/23

The bill would expand the existing property tax credit for disabled veterans by lowering the threshold from 100% disability to 80% disability. Importantly, the legislation would apply not only to disabled active duty service members and disabled veterans but to qualifying surviving spouses of individuals who died in the line of duty.

An 80% permanent disability rating reflects severe disability, where the life and livelihood of the Veteran is significantly impacted. Such a Veteran is far less likely to be able to gain and maintain employment and is far more likely to require the assistance of a caregiver. Since the caregiver is often the Veteran’s spouse, the spouse is similarly disadvantaged in maintaining meaningful employment.

The cumulative effect exacerbates the challenge of owning and remaining in a home.
Veteran’s with disability rated 80% or higher are dramatically worse than any other. Their cumulative, permanent medical conditions dramatically, often devastatingly, impact the rest of their lives. They are our most deserving, yet most vulnerable citizens.

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